sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

Thanks for letting us take over the GoPro Instagram handle today! We hope you enjoyed it and head over to GoPro.com/news to learn how you can win a signed copy and have your GoPro photo features on GoPro's Instagram! The camera coverage consisted of @donkeyshow and @mancinoroberta's head-mounted GoPros and a single wide shot from cameraman Andy Cassagrande. We introduced a unique mount setup on the last day, a pole mount attached to the weight belt. Healey's unique mount captured both athletes simultaneously connecting with the tiger shark and put the magic into the climatic scene of the film." An excerpt from the new 300 page book "GoPro: Professional Guide to Filmmaking" which released today! The link in our bio gives 35% off the book and 1/3 of the authors proceeds are given to GoPro charity initiatives! by gopro

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1xAAKBQ

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